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Charles Becker is a current resident of northern California. He is an active, single father of four whose lifestyle mirrors his work, as it shows passion and enthusiasm in everything he does. Becker drew as a teenager, but it wasn't until he saw a painting of Roberto Lupetti that he considered art as a possible career. Becker decided to find the Italian still-life master and under his instruction, he created a foundation upon which he developed his own style. After a few years struggling to sell his art, he got a break when his painting appeared on the front cover of Southwest Art magazine. Since the publishing of the magazine, Becker has achieved great success and his artwork’s value has soared.
Becker’s still life's surpass realism, they depict everyday objects with an emotional, sensuality that makes them seem animated. His multi-dimensional compositions are rich with color and include interplays of light and perspective. Charles Becker's paintings are too unique to be simply categorized, however, his expressions of "magical realism" have captivated the public.
In the last ten years, Becker has received popular and critical acclaim. His work has been included in Time, Sunstorm, Art & Antiques, Connoisseur, USA Today, Art News, U.S. Art, and Advertising Age, as well as featured in exhibitions throughout the United States, France, Japan, Sweden, and Hong Kong.