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Bernard Stanley Hoyes stated, “I have been a creator of art, symbols of ancestral echoes since a child in Jamaica... The images I convey symbolize a culmination of these ancestral echoes brought to classical form. They are contemporary, eternal in spirit and stand as praise to our existence --past, present and future.”
Hoyes’ artistic career began at the early age of nine in his hometown of Kingston, Jamaica. Bernard would create wood carvings and watercolors, and his mother would sell them to visitors at the Jamaica Tourist Board. Hoyes first exposure to a formal art education was at the Institute of Jamaica, Junior Art Center. At the age of 15, he moved to the United States to New York, where he attended school and continue his art endeavors. Hoyes was awarded a scholarship to finish his studies at Vermont Academy for the next two years. After years of painting, Hoyes had developed into a master of colorful and rhythmical compositions. The picture plane is developed from an intuitive point of view with very little perspective. The elements of repetition and exaggeration are incorporated with elements of African retention's. Every painting that is completed suggests the composition and content for the next.