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Helen Rundell is though of as America's premier golf artist. She has uncompromising skill and a passion for detail that has earned her a reputation for being the most sought-after artist in the limited edition art market. Rundell brings her subjects to life with uncompromising precision and an inherent passion for accuracy. "In some ways, I consider myself and oddity; I don't endure the arduous task of applying detail, I enjoy it."
"If there is one desire I have," says Helen Rundell of her artwork, "it is to capture the passion of the game...to give the viewer a glimpse into the past, and hold it there for all eternity." Helen Rundell's dedication to her art remains undiminished and she proclaims, “there will always be a place in my heart for the sport of golf."
Helen Rundell works are represented in more than three hundred art galleries throughout the United States, Japan, and Australia. Her prints can also be found in the private collections of former United States President Gerald R. Ford as well as public collections such as the Smithsonian Institute and the Nelson Rockefeller Collection.