Robert Watson was born in Martinez, California in 1932. He grew up in a big house that overlooked the bay in Martinez, and perhaps this is where his solitude began. After high school, Robert studied at the University of California and the University of Wisconsin, and had a brief sojourn in the Army. During this time, Watson's lonely, mysterious world became a reality on canvas through surreal landscapes. From 1943 to 1947, Watson’s developed his theme that is the subject of all his paintings: “the loneliness of man in the mysterious world”.
The background of Watson's paintings, often depict ancient buildings that are vast in scale and located on plateaus that unite with the sky. He creates a blurred vision effect by merging two different colors with a tender brush, yet the finish is perfectly smooth. In every painting Watson repeats having solitary figures facing away from the viewer. This technique allows the viewers to identify with the figure and realize that all of us are lonely men in a mysterious world.
Robert Watson died peacefully on December 14, 2004 after a brief struggle with cancer.